DR PAUL BEAM- lead pastor

     I was born and raised in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma where I attended Trinity Baptist Church. At the age of 13, I remember having many questions about faith and about the identity of Jesus. After discussing these issues with my parents, they suggested I speak with our pastor, Joe Masterson. On a fall afternoon in 1987, Pastor Joe sat and talked with me and led me to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I soon followed in believer’s baptism and began to pursue my new relationship with Christ. 

     When I was 16 years old, I attended Summit youth camp in Talihina, Oklahoma. That week, Christ began impressing on my heart the call to serve Him in ministry. 

     During my first few years in ministry, God blessed me with a wonderful wife and ministry partner in Taima. Then, two years later, our family continued to grow as our children were born. Elias was born in 2000 and Gade made his way into our lives in 2005.

     I have always been humbled by the fact that God has chosen me for ministry. This reality has caused me to continually seek His strength and guidance as I follow Him. Throughout my time in ministry, the Lord has taken me to places and used me in ways I could have never imagined. Although the road has not always been smooth, and I have often failed Him, He has never failed me. I stand in awe of the God who loves me and has chosen me to be a small part of His magnificent plan!

paul.beam@calvarypampa.comPastor's BlogFacebook

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